Elements: A Group Process

Jeffrey Morgan was invited by Per Elbke-Nielsen, an instructor for the visual arts at the Tekniks Skole (institution for art and technology) in Copenhagen, to lead a workshop in the creative process for making aesthetic environments and performance. Seventeen students participated, ranging from 18 to 31 years of age, with various pursuits in the visual arts including photography, drawing and painting, and sculpture. Morgan presented a basic conceptual design for the space (a classroom 10.5m x 7.2m x 3.4m) as a foundation for an installation, and the students selected the "Four Elements" as the initial theme, whereby the process could begin. Through discussions involving the natural elements - earth, water, fire, and air - many other aspects surfaced of the visual, aural, and technological devices that would be employed, plus human-animal relationships, to develop and present an environment consisting of harmony and contrast/chaos, stillness and movement, growth and decay.

Please contact Jeffrey Morgan if you have interest in his conducting a workshop at your institution.








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copyright © 1999, Jeffrey Morgan & the group
